Subway starts accepting Bitcoin as payment in Germany

This is a part of an experiment in Berlin to test the crypto network as a payment solution.

Subway has started accepting Bitcoin as payment in three of its Berlin outlets. It is a part of an experiment with the crypto network and has been going on smoothly so far. The largest franchise in the world by the number of restaurants had also dabbled in Bitcoins almost 13 years ago in Moscow. This time though, the plan appears to be well strategized and executed.

“Five years ago, I started to deal with cryptocurrencies; and in the last two years, I have dealt very intensively with the topic of Bitcoin. With that in mind, I’ve decided that [Bitcoin] could be the better money system.”, said Daniel Hinze, the franchise owner of the particular outlet. He has tried to encourage his customers for the same by offering a 50% discount when users pay via Bitcoin. Hinze has collaborated with a Swiss based Bitcoin company, Lipa, to implement a point of sale solution in his store which is smooth and fast. 

The CEO of Lipa, Bastien Feder, has claimed that Lipa’s charge of 1% for its merchants is much cheaper than traditional payment systems. Bitcoin itself may be volatile, but he expects payments in crypto to rise steadily, which has already happened in large parts of Germany and Switzerland.

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