EU crypto rules to be accelerated in Spain

Spain’s government has published a notice announcing they would be compliant with EU crypto rules much earlier than the designated deadline set by the MiCA law.

Going ahead with rules under the MiCA law of Europe, Spain has announced its deadline to be much earlier. According to a recent notice by the government, Spain would start following the EU crypto rules within December 2025. The decision prepones the usual deadline by around six months in the country. Countries legally had time till July 2026 to implement the EU crypto rules.

The Spanish Ministry of Economy and Digital Transformation made the announcement. The move could mean that crypto firms in Spain would have around two years to follow the rules. On the sidelines, Spanish minister Nadia Calviño met Verena Ross from the ESMA and informed the authorities about the decision.

Crypto firms would have a list of measures to follow under the MiCA law. It includes acquiring a license, apart from other requirements. Reputed crypto exchanges operating in the region would now have to abide by it within the timeframe. Spain, in the recent past, has seen multiple crypto exchanges setting up shop. It could be for various reasons, including the country’s crypto-friendly policies.

Among other events, talks for digital currencies have also been gaining pace in the country. The Bank of Spain has lent support to the digital euro, underlining its several use cases and advantages. The central bank has been advocating its benefits for some time, with even senior officials speaking on the digital euro.

Meanwhile, the government, in its latest announcement, said, “The government will shorten the transitional period of application … with the aim of creating a predictable and stable regulatory and supervisory framework.” It also mentioned their action could help enhance protection and legal certainty for Spanish crypto investors. 

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