Institutional investors in crypto could grow in number in Japan

A survey has revealed a possible surge in the number of institutional investors in crypto in Japan, which could be a sign of improving crypto adoption in the country.

Nomura Holdings and Laser Digital conducted a survey among institutional investors in Japan. The survey revealed some positive data on crypto adoption in the country. According to the official report of the survey, institutional investors in crypto could rise in Japan. More than half of the survey’s sample size were planning on becoming institutional crypto investors.

To be specific, 54% of these are serious about turning to crypto as an investment. With such a large number of institutional crypto investors, Japan’s crypto industry will see some huge benefits. One of them is widespread adoption, while the entire crypto ecosystem may receive guidance, financial support, and regulatory support.

Meanwhile, the survey included 547 investors. These investors included family offices, investment managers, and public service corporations. Over half of them noted their willingness to invest in crypto over the next three years. They listed a few reasons for their decision.

Sixty percent of them cited diversification as a reason for investing in crypto. They also mentioned crypto’s non-relation to other assets as the next reason. Other factors included its high return potential, hedge against inflation, and 24/7 marketplaces.

Further, the report stated, “25% of respondents said their impression of crypto assets (especially Bitcoin and Ethereum) is “Positive” when looking ahead to the next 12 months.” Moreover, the report also shared various other data indicators of their survey.

A month ago, Nomura Holdings and other corporate groups also constituted a stablecoin research group. Japan has also seen other positive developments connected to the crypto sector in recent months.

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