digital ruble
Digital ruble bill to change as per Russian lawmakers

New amendments to the digital ruble bill could significantly ease operations for the central bank…

crypto reversed
Crypto reversed declining trend with a slight improvement in the market

As crypto reversed its trajectory, Bitcoin's upward move in the last 24 hours from constant…

bearish crypto
Bearish crypto signals grip the market, but Bitcoin gathers support at $26000

The crypto market went for a nosedive as US debt ceiling talks remained without an…

Polygon co-founder
Polygon co-founder believes gaming will benefit from crypto

Sandeep Nailwal, the Polygon co-founder, recently claimed on Reddit that blockchain gaming would be the…

Japan's cabinet
Japan’s cabinet approves new crypto regulations to combat crime

In a positive move for the crypto industry, Japan's cabinet has given the go-ahead for…

crypto sentiments
Crypto sentiments remain cautious after Bitcoin slips below $27000

Traders portrayed an uncertain picture with the US debt ceiling talks dragging on, as crypto…

G7 leaders
G7 leaders voice support for crypto regulation in recent Japan meet

The issue of the G7 leaders formulating on crypto regulation had been a topic of…

crypto reports
Crypto reports turn positive with Bitcoin pushing through $27000

The crypto market showed signs of improvement, with Bitcoin being in the green above the…

Texas crypto bill
Texas crypto bill passed by Senate to regulate crypto exchanges

The Texas crypto bill recently passed its mandate in the Senate and now awaits approval…

crypto outlook
Flat crypto outlooks keep Bitcoin in the same position

The crypto market has been lacking some macroeconomic triggers for the last few days, with…