Crypto research institute opens in France

The crypto research institute in France would be a unique institution involved in researching blockchain technology and other crypto products.

France recently saw the inauguration of a crypto research institute, which could be a watershed moment for the crypto space. As the name suggests, the crypto institute would undertake research in the digital assets industry. The Institute of Crypto-Assets saw its opening at the Léonard de Vinci Center near Paris.

The crypto institute would have a scientific board with members from multiple reputed organizations. Some of these institutions are École Polytechnique and the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). A few members from private crypto firms would also be involved with the institute’s operations. The collaboration of academicians and crypto industry captains is a special initiative that could work very well for the crypto institute.

“Our goal is not to lobby but to create a forum for discussion on crypto assets,” said the institute’s director, Cyril Grunspan. The director’s comments may clearly indicate concerned efforts for crypto adoption in France with dedicated research and development. 

Meanwhile, the institute has already seen a few lectures from certain experts. Jacques Favier, a historian, and David Pointcheval, a cryptographer, gave lectures during the opening ceremony.

Along with such initiatives for crypto adoption, the French government has taken a sustained multidimensional approach to promoting crypto. For instance, French central bank Banque De France has been active with experiments with wholesale central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). Earlier this year, it shared the results of its CBDC project.

On the other hand, the Markets in Crypto-Assets Act has also taken center stage in France. The country will implement the law, syncing it with its own crypto rules. The effective amendment of its rules will kick in within 2024. On the other hand, there are regulations for crypto influencers in France as well, hinting at the industry’s importance to the French government.

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