Women in Singapore ahead of men in terms of crypto trades

A survey by a prominent crypto exchange found some positive aspects of Singaporean women, their investment strategies, and crypto trades. 

Some interesting data has been found in a recent survey which indicated that Singaporean women performed better than men when it came to crypto trades and investments. While 76% of women admitted to at least recovering their invested money in crypto or making a profit, only 72% of men could admit to doing so. It was also found that more than 24% of women had allocated above 20% to crypto in their portfolios.

“It is encouraging to see that optimism towards the long-term benefits of cryptocurrency remains strong in Singapore and that investors who adopt a long-term view are reaping rewards,” said Lasanka Perera, the CEO of the exchange. Even though the crypto industry had a difficult year in 2022 due to a declining market and several failures of top crypto firms, the survey found that crypto trades had increased amongst women in spite of all the issues.

A little over 43% of respondents admitted to having crypto investments, which was 40% earlier. Amongst them, 48% even planned to increase their investments in crypto. But Singaporean confidence in crypto decreased slightly to 55 out of 100 from 61 in the previous year. Those women who had invested in crypto planned to invest further in their portfolio, while some planned to diversify into other tokens.

The 37% of women who had invested in crypto was a dramatic rise of 7% than a year earlier. In the case of men, the number, in fact, dipped by a percent to 48%. The encouraging results in the case of women in crypto trades indicate a healthier trend toward crypto adoption in Singapore.

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